Monday, December 31, 2012

Here's to a New Year

Sitting here this last morning of 2012, looking out over the orchard, things, life, is so still and quiet. Silently, peacefully one year is giving way to a new. Reflecting here lends me to take time to update and re-record my life vision. Any day, but especially today, seems to be the best day to do this, the best time to ‘hit the refresh button’ of my Ideal LifeVision  as my New Year desires, dreams, wishes, aspirations are flowing in.

The sun has just peeked up over Kolob casting his light on the snowy Pine Valley Mountains to the west. Hues of pinks, blues, and golden yellows color the foggy, frosty, snow covered mountain softening its ruggedness. Yes, this morning I am inspired to dream, dream big. I am deeply grateful for my Ideal LifeVision, for the sweet sister, Lauri Cox who introduced me the program, grateful to Ann Webb, the creator of this amazing program and her outstanding training, grateful for my certification in the program and for my clients past, present, future for I am honored to witness their transformation.

Let me ask you; are you dreaming today; reflecting on the desires in your heart, for your life in the New Year? Are you ready to take your New Year dreams and desires a bit further, to envision them with crystal clarity? Are you ready to dip into your subconscious and move beyond resolve to evolve?

If you need a little guidance to do so, a hand to hold, a cheerleader, or someone who will tell you to suit up and get out there and do it, well, I’d love nothing more than to be that someone for you. Twenty thirteen can be your most enriching, empowering, and simply most magical year yet. If this resonates with you, peaks your interest, if you have questions, contact me for a no cost consultation/introduction.

The morning light is fully up, illuminating the mountain, kissing the apple trees. The birds are taking flight, singing in a New Year. It all whispers to me as the New Year breaks through to give a break through offer. For the month of January you can receive the Ideal LifeVision online program and 1 ½ hours of private coaching for $99. Or, If you’d like, you can receive just the online program for $59. 

I was so moved by the attached good news video. Hope you enjoy it as well. May we all be inspired to be a little more, do a little more, support a little more, love a little more, and because, this is how 2013 should be…"never this different, never this wonderful." Jason McElwain

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Light of Love

While much has been said about the events of this past week, for me, and maybe for you, there just aren’t any words which can express what I feel; it really is beyond the grasp of words. Nor could I even begin to comprehend the depth of pain one of those parents or any parent at any time, must have with a loss of their child or the sheer terror of what went on in that building, sheer terror at anytime.

The past few days as I thought of this event, two things keep coming to my mind.

The first is, on Thursday evening, I had this overwhelming, cell penetrating, peace-giving-divine thought that all is as it should be. I have chastised myself for allowing this thought to even be associated with the horrific event in Connecticut and yet it continues to resound within my being, all is as it should be.

My second thought is my recall as I lay dying the night of my accident. There is within the scary, frightening clutch of death an indescribable, enveloping presence of relief, peace, calm, and an indefinable love.

Of the interviews I saw with regards to this, the most impactful to me was the interview with a teacher who told her students they are loved. She knew, whatever happened, this was the most important, last thing those children needed to hear, that they are loved.

Love; everything comes down to this powerful, little, four letter over-, under-, misused word; a word and an emotion which expands, ripples, vibrates, heals. Love illuminates. In all that has happened, in all that will happen, all in all, we simply must light our world with love…

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Leaves, Season, and Magic

My part time job, doctors, rehab are 45 miles south of where I live. It makes for a long drive but the advantage of leaving before the sun rise is the dawning of morning is so lovely to watch. Here in my little country town the trees have released all but a few determine leaves but in St George the leaves are just now beginning to really fall. There’s something so poignant  to me watching Autumn leaves release, flutter down, dance together once more, yield to the breath of Old Man Winter’s approach and without control, scurry off, trusting nature to, like magic, create them anew.
We are quickly arriving at Winter’s Solstice; not to mention, the most anticipated and long awaited Solstice. While there is much to be said about the date 12/21/12, today I only encourage you to participate with me as it is a perfect time to finish our release, reflecting on those emotions, actions, habits, all things which no longer serve, and simply let them go, fully shed. Write out the things you choose to let go of, offer gratitude for what they’ve given or done for you, then (safely) burn them allowing them to transmute back to nature; trust.
The mention of gratitude reminds me how distance I have been during the Thanksgiving season and how, like most things, I have much to say and have said about gratitude. Keeping a heart of gratitude, keeping a journal of gratitude is so vital our wholeness. Just jotting down 5 gratitude’s a day will have a positive, magical impact on your life.
To me the placement of Thanksgiving, when our hearts and minds lean towards gratitude, followed by the Solstice when we can fully go within seeking that which we now know to shed, release, all during the Christmas season, a time of good will, love, giving, all the meaning and depth this season conjures, and then there is New Year’s when now with fresh, open, grateful, loving hearts we desire to resolve, to dream, to be better, to be more abundant….oh how this sentence can go on; so allow it, feel it…and I think you will agree, the placement of these blessed events, days are absolutely perfect, absolute magic.
If any of this peaks your interest, sparks your curiosity, resonates with you and you desire to go deeper, contact me. It would be my honor to help guide you in creating a simple but affective gratitude journal similar to the one pictured here. If you’d like help in putting together your own Solstice release ceremony, yes, you got it, contact me. And, if you have dreams for 2013, and I encourage big dreams, I would be over-the-moon happy to visit with you about how you can put together you Ideal LifeVision.
This is the season of magic and I promise, daily gratitude’s, a renewed heart, and a complete LifeVision is just like magic in your life all year long. Spark your life or the life of someone you know and let the magic happen!
This is a sample of the journals I create, well the front and back covers. They're super duper easy. I can make one or more for you or I can guide you to make your own. Also, a solitary release ceremony is wonderful and can be as simple as you'd like. And, life coaching is my passion. I love guiding my clients to dream. Leave me a message here, send me an email, or call me 435.704.1598 and let's create some magic.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"We Are Just Walking Each Other Home"

Yesterday my surgeon informed me that when he said a full 3 months he meant a full 3 months. Can’t blame a girl for asking, right? The shoulder surgery will be 5 weeks post-op this Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. This means another 7 weeks without wheeling myself, driving, full transfers…this also means no gift wrapping, weight training, using my spiffy, still in the box racer chair!!!!! Uggg….

As if I’ve needed some more, this has been another humbling life experience. I have had to be tended too/ watched over/babysat and while it is uncomfortable, okay humbling to be 50 years old and have the neighborhood ladies sit with me for 3 hour intervals, I have come to know these women from a new perspective. I’ve been blessed to sit in my living room, simply sit, and really have meaningful conversation with women who live down the street, around the corner, on the next block. We have laughed and cried and dreamed together. (Yup, a lot to share about sharing with your neighbors, about remembering what it is to really get to know them, to have real, spontaneous conversation, but it’ll have to wait.)

My sweet guy, Mick, sat through this surgery with me. He has sat through the other 2 surgeries I’ve had this year including the 19 ½ hour surgery I had in June, followed by not missing a day visiting me while I stayed 6 weeks in-patient rehab. The recent surgery on my shoulder has left with the use of 1 limb, my right arm. Until I could learn how to transfer myself with one arm from the wheelchair to the toilet, shower, bed, he had to lift and set me onto the toilet, shower, bed. He continues to have to lift me in and out of the car. Actually, he has come to lift me, carry me far more than this.

Mick dropped me off early at my friend Vicki’s house yesterday; she was my babysitter. Before the light of day, she was awake to greet us at the door, the 2 of them lifting my chair up steps into her home. She had coffee brewing, together we sat quietly visiting as the sun and her busy household rose. I felt blessed to witness as she got her family ready for Monday morning. Then, remembering how exhausting the morning rush can be getting kids and husband out the door, Vicki lifted me in and out of her car loading and unloading my wheelchair, to take me to my doctor appointment. (I sure have much to say about my sweet guy as well as my dear soul sister but, again, that’ll come later.)

In a panic to get the Thanksgiving dinner shopping done, my son Garth and his friend Krysta went to the grocery store for me. Following the list to the tee, okay so we ended up with an extra box of Holiday Captain Crunch and Oreo cookies, these 2 happily completed the task at hand. Garth also rose to the occasion while I was in the hospital for 6 weeks. While he didn’t see a need to scoop the cat’s liter box, he did maintain our household quite acceptably. During this time he also prepared, submitted, and received his missionary call. On January 30th, he’ll be leaving for 2 years to Colombia. (You bettcha; I have much to write about this event too.) If you know anything about LDS Missionaries, you know they are always in a companionship of 2.
Recently I came upon a quote by Ram Dass, “We are just walking each other home.”

In the midst of all that is going on, I am, again, learning to walk, this time without any knee except for mechanical ones. The challenge is great, as great as the pain. (Again, more to share but later.) In the process of all I’m going through, contracted hips, abdomen, use of and balance with one arm, major bad back sway, recent additional amputation, my son preparing to leave for 2 years…I’ve relied on Mick who has graciously, uncomplaining, not even grunting while lifting me, assisted. Garth hasn’t grunted nor has my sweet friend Vicki while lifting me, how kind is that while I feel like a blob of marshmallow cream mixed with jello jigglers on the wheel chair I can’t yet wheel. Neighbors and friends who have come to sit with me were also prepared to pick me up if I miss transferring from Jazzy to toilet. I am pushed around, lifted, chauffeured, assisted, I have someone clean my house, do my grocery shopping, there is much I’ve had to just let go of, not do, breathed through knowing all is well, all is as it should be, learning “We are just walking each other home.”

There are times when we aren’t all walking, times when some must be lifted and carried by the strength of those who walk along side us and times when, even if we wheel, we shall carry.

Garth will walk with a companion, door to door, sharing, teaching, guiding others to a pathway home.

This life, this walk, is meant to be a partnership, a team event, something so much more than we get hung up on, so much more than the accumulation of stuff we think we can take home.

Several years ago I heard a neighbor yell from her from yard out to her son, “Christopher, it’s time to come home!” From the moment we take our first breath to the moment we exhale our last, we are walking home, someone, is calling us home, and this I've come to know, we are not doing it or going it alone. May your journey home be filled with awareness, blessed, grateful and gracious awareness for those who are calling, those who you are walking with or at times carrying you or you carring them, simply an awareness of the walk home.


Explore the words here today. What things are you taking home with you? Who are you walking home? Who is walking you home? Do you hear a kind, loving, parental voice calling you?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Fun-da-Mental Life Coaching Tip

I've been participating, sort of, in Deepak Chopra's 21-Day Meditation Challenge. I say "sort of" because some days I spend more time participating and absorbing than others. Today was a full participation and absorption day. There was so much in his oratory which aligned perfectly with my views and desires for my life coaching business. One thing in particular he said, well, the way he said it actually, is so profoundly powerful and yet simplistic (not necessarily easy) to implement in our lives ~ make gratitude your primary emotion. Wow, sit with this thought for a moment.

"Make gratitude your primary emotion."

Gratitude is, I believe, one of the greatest if not the greatest Spiritual Law. Add that amazing thought above to this Fun-da-Mental tip ~

May you give graciously and receive gratefully.

Watch for subtle giving's and receiving's, they aren't always what we expect them to be. And, when you find yourself beginning to get a little catawampus just graciously and gratefully readjust your primary emotion.

Whew, there ya go, that fun and simple.

If you did or if you happen to want to do the little exercise I mentioned in Wednesday's post, I'd like to add one more thing to it; as you sit in front of the mirror, place your hands over your heart. In doing so, may you feel more of the life which beats within you, the love which beats within you for remember you are love, life is love, now go on, love life today and let a bit of that beautiful you beat outside of yourself!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Wacky Wednesday Invitation

“One day it will dawn on you that no one in this Universe can do as good of a job at being you than you.” Norman Vincent Peale

You are an amazingly gifted and creative individual.

You are a radiant vessel of pure spiritual light and love.

You are a beautiful soul.

Do you believe or are you willing to believe these statements about yourself?

There is so much more to you than meets the eye.

Yesterday, I came across an odd really odd reality television show, Honey Boo Boo (go ahead, roll your eyes, laugh out loud but don’t exit just yet). I wheeled in the tv room to see this little girl holding up a mirror looking at herself exclaiming, “I’m beautiful!” Then she turned the mirror and exclaimed, “You’re beautiful!” She kept doing this, “I’m beautiful! You’re beautiful! I’m beautiful! You’re beautiful….”While I wasn’t impressed with the show, I was impressed by this simple act.

When was the last time you looked at yourself, really looked at yourself and exclaimed/claimed how purely beautiful you are? When was the last time you looked in a mirror with a childlike heart? Have you ever looked, really looked beyond the placement of your hair, makeup, shaven face, blemish, flaws, deepened crow’s feet, crown of gray…? Have you looked deeper to see your beautiful soul? I invite you, today, to willingly take a deeper look in the mirror.

Find a space, a time, a few moments, and approach a mirror, take several deep cleansing, clearing breaths in and out, ground yourself to your space, be comfortable, set aside any judgment of self, the day, others, simply relax, breathe. You can do this, I know you can. As you look in the mirror at your most gorgeous self say, out loud, with conviction of heart, “I am amazingly gifted and creative! I am a radiant vessel of pure spiritual light and love! I am beautiful!” Keep saying it, say it with pure love, feel pure love, for you are loved, you are love. Believe it, if only for this sacred moment, believe.

How did this make you feel? Did you feel your energy, your vibration increase?

The vibration of love is immensely powerful; it is infectious, healing, accepting. Everything comes down to love for love will always win…all ways.

This isn’t a onetime only invitation, you can do this whenever, several times a day even. Now go on, be amazing, create, let your radiant light shine, let it sparkle, be your true, beautiful, authentic self, vibrate at love's level. Once you begin to see how amazingly gifted, creative, radiant, beautiful, how much love you are, you can begin to see how no one else in this Universe can do as good of a job at being you than you…


Monday, November 12, 2012

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

I am interested in your life, your story, your journey and I desire for you ~

v  To recognize your pristine divinity; you are a child of God, the Universe, Creative Source, etc. who is loved beyond measure.

v  To view the endless possibilities you dwell in and then seize them.

v  To bravely unshackle your full creativity and potential.

v  To awaken to the knowledge that all things can be made purposeful and that you are of great importance and purpose; no one else can fulfill that which you are called to do.

v  To know you are limitless; you joined this world without a ceiling, therefore, yes, you are limitless.

v  To receive and use, with meaningful gratitude, the constant flow of gifts of which the Universe, God, Creative Source, etc. has for you.

v  To meet, befriend, become partners with the beautiful one you are seeking; You.

v  To fall deeper and deeper in love with your life; your perfect, joyful, radiant journey of life.

 “Believe in loves infinite journey, for it is your own, for you are love. Love is Life.” ~ Rumi

I am here for you, to cheer you on, to be your greatest fan, to guide you as you!


Friday, November 9, 2012

A New Journey Begins

We are limitless beings.
We dwell in endless possibilities.
We contain unshackled potential.
I would think it must take such courage on the caterpillars part to climb up, attach itself upside down and allow a magical transformation to begin. Wouldn't it be easier to inch around, close to the ground eating and eating some more? The landscape from the caterpillar's perspective must be an abundant smorgasbord. Do you think the caterpillar knows its potential, the limitless potential contained within its 'wormy' body? Do you think it has a sense of fear for the unknown? Is there even an unknown to the caterpillar; does it simply know what awaits? Or, does the caterpillar not have choice but must follow what it has been called to do; to transform and transform again?
Those who know me, know this metamorphosis has captivated me for over 15 years. They offered a saving message for me when I first had my accident in 1997, again when Jeff became ill and crossed over 6 years ago, and this past June as I under went a 19 hour surgery resulting in further amputation. I have learned and continue to learn a great deal of life's lessons from these delightful creatures, from their magical process. With the Mistress of Autumn in her full glory, the caterpillars, chrysalis, and butterflies are away, and as much as I miss them, their life lessons continue to unfold for me, most often on a deep, personal, and spiritual level.
I have often been asked, how can I be happy with all I've been though. For years I struggled with  articulating the answer, until now. It is through my transformative journey that I am now able to take my message of joy and share it with others. As I completed my life coaching certification and began my business I knew these little guides, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly, would be my brand. They have to take center stage, in each stage, to represent that which I long to share with others, to teach others, to, in turn, guide others to dream, create, fly...